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In the Midst of Chaos, the Church is Alive! ( An appeal for Mission on Giving Tuesday)

Celebrating the Missional Church

On November 20th, I went to the (BMCR) Black Methodist for Church Renewal’s Western Jurisdictional annual in  Los Angeles, California.  It was a small gathering, but my soul was moved from the spirit filled worship and the way the church is aware and ready to be of service to the ever-changing contours of their neighborhood.  One of the main topics of discussion was the demographic change in predominantly black neighborhoods that were becoming increasingly Spanish-speaking. BMCR saw this an opportunity for black churches to seize and to figure out how to do effective ministry with their new neighbors. More black churches are lending their sanctuaries out for their Spanish brothers and sisters of faith to worship in. Those churches are being intentional about finding time to worship together and do outreach together. The transformation of the neighborhood has caused the Bishop to do cross appointments where Spanish clergy are being appointed to historically black churches. Members of BMCR hailed the efforts of their churches and their openness to welcome such ministries. A community organizer offered up strategies for working toward social justice solutions that both the black and Hispanic communities seek. I have heard of BMCR for a few years now, but I have never been able to partake in anything related to it. I was introduced to a network of clergy and events that will allow me to see the breath and depth of the black experience in the United Methodist Church.

The Good News come alive for Youth

I went to the BMCR Western Jurisdictional conference to promote Generation Transformation to any youth who were part of the gathering.  There weren’t many. This is the reality of what is happening in our churches. We are losing youth. However, we cherish the ones we have and are committed to growing them. We began our discussion on the question of relevancy. “What is relevant to you and how can the Church be of service to you?” I asked. ” The Church is too stuck in tradition that there is no room for innovation.” Said Irving a youth from Hamilton United Methodist Church in South Central , Los Angeles.  Around the table, all of the young people communicated that having the opportunity to lead in church has  made them excited about the Church.  “What does leadership look like to you?” I asked. “We want to be in charge of music ministry because the hymns are not really our thing, we want to set the gained for what the youth and children do because we know what we like and most of all, we want to church to speak to some of the stuff happening out there.” The youth were speaking in reference to issues such  as racial profiling and police brutality that has led to the death of so many youth of color and made publically killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. It’s not that the Church is not doing anything, but no one is inviting us in the problem solving.

“What if I told you that the church had a program that would help you develop the skills you need to speak up about issues in your community ?  Generation Transformation, will nurture you as a leader and whether you return your community or not,  you will find your voice and challenge the Church to be more creative in the way it engages with you and the issues that matter to you.” I told them.  The youth with excitement, took all the brochures and promised to pass it out to their friends .Each one of them committed to applying for and hopefully participating in the Global Justice Volunteer Program (  GBGM’s introduction to mission for young adults)  next summer.

I enjoy itineration a great deal because not only is it an opportunity to share the good news of Generation Transformation, but it is an act of worship for me to see how God is fully present in the lives of young people. All young people sometimes need  is a word of encouragement to soar. I plan to follow up on the youth I met and guide them through the application process with the hope that whatever they choose to do in life, they can do it with an audacious spirit ignited by mission.

With  Some of the BMCR youth !

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On Ferguson

When the Grand jury decision about the non indictment of Darren Wilson was announced, I wept. I wept for so many reasons that I can’t put into words, but I mostly wept for the living. I wept  because of the probability of another child getting killed and it being sanctioned by the state.

From November 17th to the 24th, we ( as in our congregation ) waited for the grand jury decision to come out after I suggested to our pastor that we open up our church doors for people to come and reflect on the announcement. Every day of that week, we prepared the space and waited, and on November 24th, the announcement that none of us wanted to hear, came.  In that moment, I found myself  in a liminal space; angry that this nation has not been able to recognize the humanity  of my people because the systematic demonization and murder of them from the time of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade still lives and comforted that the Church which is not free from this very tyranny, was standing in the gap and being an space for lament, healing and reconciliation.

At the church, we wrote about the way racism made us feel, we cried, we prayed, we talked about our trauma as the affected and indicted ourselves as the perpetrators of these systems whether in silence or through our actions. We promised to leave the space ready to combat racism in every way possible. I’ve since attended and continue to attend  a myriad of panels and rallies but when it is all said and done, I will press forward to do what I can to expose this brutal system. All this attitude comes from the Gospel. I believe that in this life and in the life to come, all people will be free to be. I believe God is making all things new and I will live this life as a prophet seeking to make God’s promises true.

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Giving Tuesday

“We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.”?

Global Ministries is participating in Giving Tuesday. They will match your gift 100 percent .If you want to see more people with my passion transforming the world, I ask you to please give in my honor so that this program changes the lives of others the way it has transformed me.  To give to my advance, click the donate button on this page.

Photos From my Frist Visit to California

Downtown LA, Hollywood and Santa Monica


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This entry was posted on December 2, 2014 by .